Changing embodiment

Neil Harbisson was born with a severe form of colour blindness meaning that he could only see grey-scale. He has developed an antenna that allows him to perceive visible and invisible colours such as infrared and ultraviolet via sound waves. He can also receive images, videos, music or phone calls directly into his head via … Continue reading Changing embodiment

Thoughts on sound and vision

Rupi Kaur is a writer and artist who creates beautiful poetry and images. Her work engages with love, loss, trauma and healing based on the experiences she gathers through her life. he will taste  like the poetry i wish i could write -Rupi Kaur  I chose to mention Rupi Kaur because her poems blur the … Continue reading Thoughts on sound and vision

Eating pickles with everything.

After watching me eat various "questionable" foods, my friends came up with a list of edible items considered to be controversial to most people.  Apparently pickles make the cut... pickles/cornichons/gherkins/onions (anything pickled basically). blue cheese Marmite  licorice anchovies  coriander  marzipan (really?)  Basically anything with a strong (usually bitter) taste. I love all of these foods, … Continue reading Eating pickles with everything.